Critical Gas Backup Systems

We are all aware that the equipment in our labs and throughout the facility is highly dependent on the lab gases provided by the gas company. However, your comfort level should not lie solely on the a ...

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Selecting Lab Gases

There are a number of gases that can be delivered in portable cryogenic vessels for gaseous or cryogenic use but for the purposes of this article we will be discussing the operation of a portable liqu ...

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Keeping Abreast of the Helium Market

We hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday. If you were fortunate enough to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade then you no doubt were in awe of the magnificent balloons soaring five or six ...

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The Extreme Gas Manifold

What exactly does your gas manifold do for you? Is it client friendly? Does it require interaction? Consider what a gas manifold should do for you. A modern day gas manifold will switch automatically ...

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Liquid Nitrogen Dispensing

There are many occasions in the lab workplace for employees to take on the task of dispensing liquid nitrogen. There are some simple guidelines that should be followed when handling this hazardous pro ...

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Carbon Dioxide Caution

In many labs, carbon dioxide (CO2) is used for varied purposes. In many cases, CO2 is used to feed incubators in an isolated room. The CO2 is commonly piped into the room from a liquid CO2 source loca ...

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Double Digit Growth in a Down Economy

I have been told very recently by a high level executive at a high technology company that doing business with Middlesex Gases & Technologies has given him peace of mind in knowing that his business, ...

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How Valuable is Your Time?

This question is worth more than a quick answer so ponder it for just a moment and place yourself in the middle of your workday busy with your science and its many tasks. Now stop what you are doing a ...

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