Tech Tip – Cryogenic Transfer Hoses

Over the years I have conducted safety / purity audits of hundreds of laboratories and one of the items that undergoes a continuous battering is a cryogenic transfer hose and phase separator. The hose ...

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Safety Audit & Training

The summer months are upon us and there is nothing like a beautiful June in New England with temperatures in the 50’s and enough rain to fill the Congo River to keep us focused on the reality of our d ...

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Buy Wisely

I received a call from a gentleman recently who seemed to know exactly what gases and equipment he needed for his new lab. This is rare as new start ups commonly have a number of questions regarding t ...

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Buyer Beware

Recently I had a potential customer from a start-up lab call me to get pricing for gases & gas related equipment for his new facility. The customer was confident that he knew exactly what he needed. H ...

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Gas Cylinder Regulators

Most gas cylinders are high pressure vessels. Pressures range from 100 psi (or lower) to 6000 psi and up from there. The gas in the tank requires a pressure regulator to reduce the pressure to a usabl ...

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Cryogenic Safety Continues

There are some essential, primary safety items that are required for handling Cryogenic Liquids. Let’s use Liquid Nitrogen as an example. It is cold, very cold; it is a bone chilling, skin freezing 32 ...

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Gas Delivery Mode Change

Are your gases being delivered in the appropriate mode? In other words, by what means is your lab gas being delivered to your business? Are you using high-pressure cylinders of Nitrogen or Argon to fe ...

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Gas Generators Need Back-up

If you employ a Gas Generator to feed gas to your lab applications, hoods, Mass Specs, etc. Have you considered what would happen if the generator went down? A very good customer called me recently to ...

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