High Pressure Cylinder Storage & Use

There are a number of gases that can be delivered in portable cryogenic vessels for gaseous or cryogenic use but for the purposes of this article we will be discussing the operation of a portable liqu ...

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Tech Tip – Cryogenic Transfer Hoses

Over the years I have conducted safety / purity audits of hundreds of laboratories and one of the items that undergoes a continuous battering is a cryogenic transfer hose and phase separator. The hose ...

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Safety Audit & Training

The summer months are upon us and there is nothing like a beautiful June in New England with temperatures in the 50’s and enough rain to fill the Congo River to keep us focused on the reality of our d ...

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Buy Wisely

I received a call from a gentleman recently who seemed to know exactly what gases and equipment he needed for his new lab. This is rare as new start ups commonly have a number of questions regarding t ...

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